Busy daily life, stress, often not eating the right diet… all of these factors can be common causes for a couple’s failure to conceive. But there are many others that can also play a role: hormonal conditions, ovarian function problems or sperm quality, to give just a few examples.

This means that, given the impossibility of the woman becoming pregnant , many doubts arise about the generate a multitude of doubts about the origin of the situation. This is when a specialist can help us.

This will require the couple to undergo different tests that will determine not only whether there is an objective cause preventing reproduction, but will also give us clues as to what type of personalised treatment is necessary or will help guide patients towards options that maximise their chances of success and achieve the goal of growing a family.

Fertility testing in women

In one of our articles, we talked about how the influence of certain hormones can play a critical role in a woman’s play a critical role in a woman’s reproductive cycle.

One of the first tests the specialist will order is an ovarian reserve analysis, which measures the quantity and quality of a woman’s available eggs. It also usually includes the measurement of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), which gives an estimate of the number of eggs a woman may have in her ovaries at any given time. This is a really important test for women over 35, as this factor, ovarian reserve, is one of those that is often affected by age.

Another test that may be ordered by the specialist is ovulation monitoring. That is to say, determine whether a woman is ovulating regularly and at what time in her cycle it at what point in her cycle it takes place.

In addition to these, we must not forget, as we mentioned earlier, the analysis of the key hormones in this process, the analysis of the key hormones in this process: luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Both play a key role in the stimulation of ovarian follicles and the release of mature eggs. ovarian follicles and in the release of mature eggs.

If these two hormones are not harmoniously balanced, the menstrual cycle can be affected, and thus the ovulation process, the ovulation process, so it could also affect the chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility testing in men

In addition to female testing, a specialist will most likely also want to perform clinical fertility tests on the man to determine his fertility tests to determine a man’ s reproductive function. The first of these, and most common, is semen analysis, which examines the quantity, quality, motility and morphology of the sperm. Or, in other words, the ability of the sperm at that moment to fertilise an egg.

Similarly, there are also male hormone tests, which are able to measure testosterone, FSH and LH levels, hormones that regulate and influence sperm production and which, if imbalanced, can negatively affect male fertility, if imbalanced, can negatively affect male fertility.

If these tests do not find a determining factor that explains the cause that prevents pregnancy, there are other tests available, other types of testsare available, such as genetic studies, testing for infectious diseases or tests to assess endometrial receptivity in women.

One of the main advantages of undergoing clinical fertility testing is that it allows specialists to identify the best treatment for each couple. The results obtained provide a solid basis for deciding between options such as ovulation induction, artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation (IVF). In addition, the diagnosis allows couples to understand their situation in a comprehensive way, which can be very comforting in a process that is often full of doubts and uncertainty.

The support of fertility specialists is crucial, as they can interpret the results of the clinical tests and propose effective strategies propose effective strategies according to the needs of each couple.